Julia Bradshaw

Julia Bradshaw


  • Local: Lisboa, Portugal
  • Region: Lisboa
  • Age: 26
  • Color of Eyes: Brown
  • Nacionality: Portuguese
  • Height: 1.60 M
  • Weigth: 49Kg
  • languages:  Idioma pt  Idioma en Idioma es
  • Tattoo: Yes
  • Piercing: No
  • Do Anal Sex: Não
  • Type: OUTCALL
  • Sexo Virtual: Não
Day and Night

About me: Julia Bradshaw

Hello, I'm Portuguese. I have a sexy, statuesque body. I'm adventurous, friendly and intelligent. The perfect companion for a good chat and marvellous moments of pleasure.

Última actualização: 05-06-2024


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